Carry That Weight – Making Change at Columbia

Early last year a student at Columbia University – Emma Sulkowicz – was raped by a fellow student. When she went to the disciplinary panel she received appalling treatment and was forced to relive and recreate her attack for a board of supposed professionals. She wasn’t given the proper care, time, or attention in her case and received no justice – she still is forced to go to college alongside her rapist.

So she decided to take action. A visual art student, Emma created the performance piece “Carry that Weight,” in which she carries around a dorm mattress every day, where ever she goes, as long as she goes to the same college as her rapist.

And she does. Below you’ll find her a video explaining her piece, but she carries a mattress to class, to the gym, to the studio. Everywhere. It shows how survivors of rape and sexual assault don’t get to go back to their normal lives – the weight of their attack will be with them forever. And when we allow for rapists to go free, we’re condoning their violence and conditioning them to think that it’s ok to sexually assault and rape, because they know they can get away with it.

Every one should watch the video below about Emma’s story and her piece, because it really is very moving. And if you or someone you know was a victim of sexual assault or rape, please help yourself and help them. Especially if you’re on a college campus. Since our own administration won’t look out for us, we’ll just have to look out for ourselves.

The full articles can be found here and here.